How to avoid the security warnings of Excel 2013, when opening WindRose.xlsm files.

The following should be done once, after the WindRose software installation.

Now, close the last two windows but attention to the next one:

That's it, we are finished!

Optionally, you can verify that the following 4 pictures match your Excel settings.

The above path should be: C:\Windows\system32 when running 32bit Windows.

The above path should be: C:\Windows\system32 when running 32bit Windows.

When finished, WindRose should appear under the Add-ins of the Excel's ribbon.

Now, you may open WindRose.xlsm (Start, Programs, WindRose) and run it, using the default supplied data set..

Finally, if you have a registration code, the following steps might be necessary, if registration fails.

When successfully entered the code, you may revert the User Account Control setting to the initial value.